Baltimore, MD

This week, wine lovers the world over celebrate the release of Beaujolais Nouveau… 

Curious about just what it is that makes the arrival of the Beaujolais Nouveau at the conclusion of each year’s harvest such an anticipated event?

French winemaker Julien Miquel explains below...

But first, corkscrews! In this week’s tasting lesson, Julien continues his fearless inquiry into the relative merits of the more exotic corkscrew… spilling a lot of wine in the process (the danger of using the air-pop corkscrew)… and solving the mystery of how to use the strange “Ah-So” opener (a skill anyone with older bottles in the cellar should learn)

Beaujolais Nouveau is a wine released the very same year it is harvested – an oddity in the wine world, for the very simple reason that many wines are not drinkable right away. Think of Brunello, required by law to age at least 5 years. Or the old-style Barolos, some of which weren’t drinkable for ten years. 

Beaujolais Nouveau is as young as they come. What makes this possible? And why the furor?

For that we turn, once again, to Julien Miquel: 

That’s all for now… But we have a big announcement coming out in the next couple days. Don’t forget to check your email!

Bonner Private Wines



Bonner Private Wine Partnership